Here are the times for the Juab tournament on Saturday:
8:00-10:00 am: Pre-K/K and 1/2 Grade Divisions
10:00-11:30 am: 3/4 Grade Divisions
11:30-1:30 pm: 5/6 Grade Divisions
You will need to sign up for this tournament on track wrestling, and you will need a USA card. After you sign up, please text your weights to Cody. Please remember, you have to be signed up by 4:30 pm tomorrow (Friday, January 17th), and we need to have weights entered shortly after that. So please be signed up and weights turned in BEFORE that to avoid any issues. If you don't sign up on time, or get Cody your weight on time, you won't be allowed to wrestle Saturday.
We also handed out most of the gear last night. If you didn't get your stuff, get ahold of T&R. The grappling shorts haven't came in yet, so those will need to be picked up directly from them when they get here. Also, if you haven't paid for your order, you'll need to do that. They will not release your stuff until it's paid for.